Takuro Masuko– Author –
Hello and welcome to our blog!
We are a married couple living in Kawasaki with our two lovely daughters, Momo and Coco, and our adorable cat, Selena.
Momo was born in March 2021 and Coco was born in April 2023. Selena joined our family in May 2019.
I work at a music agency and my wife is a nurse.
We love music, movies, traveling, and cooking. In this blog, we share our experiences and insights on parenting, as well as some tips and tricks to make it easier and more fun.
We also post some of our favorite recipes, photos, and videos from our family adventures.
We hope you enjoy reading our stories and feel free to leave us comments or questions.
Thank you for visiting!
Happy 4th Birthday Selena: The Kind Persian Cat Who Helps Raise My Daughters
I love Selena, my white Persian cat who just turned 4 years old on May 7th. She came into our home when she was just 2 months old on July 7, 2019, which also happened to be the day my wife and I got married. Selena is incredibly kind, an... -
My Heartwarming Experience with an Unknown Old Woman
Yesterday, an old woman gave me money. I took Momo for a walk from our house to Kawasaki Daishi Park, where we played on the athletic equipment, jungle gym, and slide. Kawasaki Daishi Park is enormous and a lot of fun for families. It wa... -
Improving My English Skills: Five English Books I Bought and Why
I want to improve my English skills and pass them on to my daughter. This week, I bought five English books and would like to share information about them with you. 【Momo】 I bought this book because my first daughter's name is Momo. It... -
Juggling Responsibilities
I'm trying to write in my diary every day, even if it's just a little bit at a time. I'm also excited that I'll be using English for my job as a tour conductor this month, even though my English skills are not yet sufficient. I wonder ho... -
A New Family, A New Language: My Diary in English
I have a new family, so I've started writing a diary. In the near future, I plan to renew this website. I'm writing in English because I want to improve my language skills for myself and for my kids. I hope to give them the ability to li... -
チャオ! 今回は2023年3月4日から3月5日にかけて開催されている「MIMOSA FESTA 2023(ミモザフェスタ2023)」のレポートをお届けします。 噴水広場でにっこりのモモちゃん 会場は川崎市のLA CITTADELLA(ラ チッタデッラ)で、イタリアの青空市場をイメー... -
こんにちは、子育て中のみなさま。今日は、子どもの謎行動について、楽しくお話しましょう! 子どもたちって、なぜあんなに不思議なことをするんでしょうか? なんでこんなことをしているの? と、首をかしげることもしばしばですよね? でも、親としては... -
子どもの寝かしつけがしんどい! 子どもの英語学習をはじめたい! こんな悩みを持つ親御さんのために、ぼくなりのコツを伝授します。 子どもの寝かしつけは毎日の重労働なので、楽しくて役に立つ習慣にしたいですよね? モモちゃん(娘)は、赤ちゃんのころ... -
ディズニーシーに行きたいですかー??? 2023年1月18日。妻と娘とぼくの家族3人でディズニーシーに行ってきました。これからディズニーシーに行こうとしている人に向けて最新の情報をお届けします。 絶叫アトラクションを楽しみたい人にはちょっと物足り... -
子どものヘッドバットで顔面を骨折したことのある親御さんはいらっしゃいますか? この記事は、子どものヘッドバットでお悩みの親御さんに向けて書いています。悩みを分かち合いましょう! ぜひ最後までご覧ください。 【ヘッドバットとは?】 ヘッドバッ...